Helping organizations create, strengthen and
align with their brands to create value.
Insights. Ideas. Results.
Success Factors

Brand projects represent a substantial investment. They often lead to changes, not only in what an organization communicates but also in how it does business. How can you increase the chances that your brand project will be successful and a good return on your investment?

Here are a few critical factors for ensuring successful brand project outcomes.

Agree on the problem you are trying to solve, the opportunity you are trying to achieve and the process to get there.

  • Involve key people in the organization in defining the issues and a picture of success.
  • Understand the needs of key internal audiences, especially the project sponsors. What are they trying to achieve? What is the commitment of resources?

Use innovative research of various kinds to build the case for a brand that meets market needs (both expressed and latent), the organization's DNA, what it can deliver and the competitive environment.

  • Internal and external research gives a perspective on key issues about the market, your organization’s DNA and the competitors.
  • Third party research can provide valuable insights on the state of your sector.
  • Research can be qualitative or quantitative depending on what you are trying to discover, the timelines and the budgets.

Obtain support at all levels.

  • Best practices show that senior executive support is critical. Without it, you are fighting an uphill battle.
  • If people in the organization feel they have contributed to the brand’s creation, it is much more likely that they will see the value in what they have to do to build the brand over time.

Plan centrally, implement locally

  • Since brands are about consistency, create guidelines for how the messages are expressed and what experiences will make those messages tangible.
  • At the same time, the brand and its expression must respond to local or business unit–specific needs.

Provide the right tools and resources.

  • The brand framework is only a framework. Create and provide the tools that people use in their day-to-day business activities to build the brand.